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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A Refreshing View From the Top of the Heap

I’ve been impatiently awaiting delivery of this book and am delighted to find blurbs on the back cover from Barbara Ehrenreich and Robert Reich, two writers two economic issues I greatly admire. I love Nick Hanauer’s statements in support of the book, too--
Born on Third Base explodes the myth of the self-made man, but it also celebrates true achievement in the classic American sense....
while Peter Buffett calls it a “Declaration of Interdependence.”

The publisher puts it like this:
With the heart of an agitator and the soul of a storyteller, inequality expert Chuck Collins upends our assumptions about America’s deep wealth divide—one that, for the first time in recent history, locks the nation’s youth into a future defined by their class and wealth at birth. [At the same time, lest you fear!] ... Collins calls for an end to class war ... and offers bold new solutions for bridging the economic divide and re-engaging the wealthy in rebuilding communities for a resilient future. 
The publisher, by the way, is Chelsea Green, and engages my trust before I even open the book.

Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the
Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Committing to the Common Good
by Chuck Collins
Paper, 267pp w/ index

Friday, February 10, 2017

What Says Love Better Than Poetry?

I cannot begin to tell you about all the poetry books here at Dog Ears Books. New, used, old and quaint, poetry for all ages and all budgets. The quartet pictured here are all small books with eye-catching covers, but they barely hint at the possibilities waiting on my shelves to be discovered and claimed! Come in today or tomorrow (before 3 p.m.) and find something very special for your special valentine, because the shop will be closed Sunday through Tuesday.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

COULD It Happen Here?

“This exploration of obedience was initially motivated by Milgram’s reflections on the ease with which the German people obeyed Nazi authority in discriminating against Jews and, eventually, in allowing Hitler’s Final Solution to be enacted during the Holocaust.”

You are given an order. Do you go along? What do you think you would do in a situation where you felt the order came from someone in authority? Before he conducted his experiments, Milgram expected Americans to be more resistant to authority than Germans. 

Who is the student, and who is the teacher? Who is the subject of the experiment, and what is being studied?

"The experiment must go on." 

If you’ve never read about Milgram’s studies, now would be a good time.

Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View
by Stanley Milgram
Paper, 224pp, $14.99